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Di di Mao 90

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Di di Mao 90 Empty Di di Mao 90

Post  Altruism Wed Sep 19, 2012 7:39 pm

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Posted from the exercise bike :d

This is almost everything that I know about leveling quickly in MoP. These are some of the tactics that I've used for Realm First! 85 and will be the tactics that I'm using while going for Realm First! 90. I'll go over everything that I feel like sharing including preparations, tips & tricks, and questing tips+routes. Let me know if you have any questions!


Items that you'll need:
- Flasks x20
- Food x40
- Primary Stat Potion x40
- Mystical Healing Potion x40
- Dense Embersilk Bandage x20
- Drums of Forgotten Kings x2
- Runescroll of Fortitude x2
- Swiftness potion x200
- Lesser Invisibility Potion x40
- Swim Speed Potion x40
- Illusionary Bag x4
- Traveler's Tundra Mammoth
- Baradin's Hold Tabard
- 15%, 10% and 5% Guild Standards
- Runspeed Boot enchant
- Gear enchants
- Argent Squire/Moll-e/Jeeves for Mailbox/Banking
- 120k Gold

Everything else should be put in the bank. Bag space is extremely important while questing due to the amount of quest items, junk, cloth, and greens that you'll be getting.

Daily Quests

There's two methods to go about collecting daily quests before launch and then turning them in when MoP goes live.

If you do not care about leveling speed and the fact that there will be a huge amount of people occupying Jade Forest at launch, then I would say to collect a full quest log of daily quests. There's a good amount of quests you can get from TB peninsula and from the 3 rotations of daily quests in TB. Your other option would be to get a full quest log from the Hyjal dailies. In any case, in preparation for launch, you should have your hearthstone set to the Dwarven District, and then log your character out where the quest NPCs are. Once MoP goes live, turn in the quests, hearthstone and head to the SW Keep. Be warned that when servers go live, there may be a few minutes before they allow you to gain experience even though Pandaland has been unlocked.

If you do care about leveling speed, then you'll want to collect a maximum of 19 daily quests. These can easily be done with the TB peninsula quests + the 3 rotations of TB dailies. We only keep 19 daily quests in our quest log because we will have a maximum of 6 quests that we need to have in our quest log before we turn them in. In addition to completing those 19 daily quests, I personally only accept the quests that do not require the collection of quest items. Bag space is pretty damn important! Do not log out at TB, have a tabard to teleport there ready and logout by the SW keep. We will be turning these in later, which means that you should ignore them at launch and head straight to Jade Forest.


Bind "Show Friendly Nameplates" and "Interact with Friendly Target". There could be a huge amount of people that will block NPCs with their mounts.


This AddOn is simply amazing. It auto accepts and turn-ins your quests for you! This literally saves me the most amount of time out of anything. I'd recommend trying this AddOn out before you go about using it for leveling since there is some quirks and bugs that you need to get used to. ex: Sometimes the quests it auto-accepts don't show up in your objectives which requires you to go in your quest log and shift-click it to track it.

If you don't care about quest rewards, then run this AddOn. It automatically selects the quest reward that is valued the most to vendors which works well with idQuestAutomation. Saves you the time it takes to click on an item and then complete the quest!

I really like this addon due to it's minimized map function. You can make the world map smaller and it hides the map border and unnecessary textures. You can also increase the size of your player pointer and point of interests of the map. I like having the map open at all times on the top left part of my screen so I know where I'm going.


This macro uses quest-specific items. Saves you the amount of time it takes to move your mouse over to your objectives log and click on that button when it's bound!

/click WatchFrameItem1
/script SelectGossipOption(1)
This macro selects the first dialog option offered by quest NPCs. You can make another macro that selects the second one as well (change 1 to 2 obviously)

A rare mob kill not only gives you 10 achievement points and a fancy rare item to sell, it gives you the equivalent experience of a quest turn-in for your level. If you're going to be one of the first few in the zone, having NPCScan would be very wise since they'll more than likely be up to be killed.

Other than these four addons, I don't recommend running anything else so that you can reduce the amount of time your loading bar takes.

Tips & Tricks

What to do before Midnight

Based on recent news:

With this expansion, we’re using a new bit of tech that will unlock the expansion content, make the intro quest magically pop up in your quest log, and allow you to begin playing the expansion immediately without the need to log out and back in. If everything goes as planned this will be a smooth transition to the adventures that await you in the new continent.
The only thing you'll need to worry about before midnight is having all your buffs, being at the quest NPCs to be ready to turn those in, or be in front of the SW Keep, ready to finish the first quest that leads you to Pandaland!

The group method

Given that there will be a massive amount of people entering Jade Forest at once, forming a group might not be a bad idea. All of the first few quests and their objectives are shared so there should be no problem in doing that. I wouldn't advise grouping up for the majority of the way to 90 though since you will encounter a lot of quest objectives that cannot be shared, not to mention the group experience from kills will bring you down a bit from where you should be.

Cross-realm zone questing

Based on GC's response to this question:

Will we be able to quest with friends cross realm in Pandaria as soon as it comes out?
Yes, assuming you mean Real ID or Battle Tag friends. I think playing with friends is one of the big sleeper features for MoP
It will be possible to group with a friend from another realm. This means if you're on a highly populated server like Tichondrius, you can group from a friend on a low-populated server and not have to deal with as much people and competition. Note that this doesn't mean you can join someones party and roam around wherever, you have to be within a certain range of the party leader.

Guild Standards

Guild standards work for all mob kill experience. Therefore, you should buy all three guild standards and use them on cooldown for the bonus experience. If you're questing in a group, it might be useful to coordinate the use of standards so that your mob kill experience is optimized at all times.


What's best for you in a raid may not be the best for you while leveling. For example, reforging/gemming/enchanting your gear to expertise/hit will not be that useful as you level due to the caps getting increasingly larger as you reach 90. Therefore, prioritize the secondary stat which will help in snap-damage, prioritize resource regeneration, specialize in a spec that has little to no ramp-up time, use talents that will help in healing, use talents that increases run and mount speed, use glyphs that are more appropriate for killing lots of mobs, use trinkets that don't have long ramp-up times, etc etc. Keep all these things in mind as they do make a noticeable difference!

In addition to this, it may be useful to mail yourself some gear enchants in advance as the quest rewards in Townlong and Dread Wastes reach the item levels of 450+.

Reins of the Grand Expedition Yak

The RotGEY is this expansion's Traveler's Tundra Mammoth but this time it comes with a reforging npc along with an updated MoP vendor. I highly suggest picking this up for any potential upgrades you come across so that you can quickly reforge them.

Hearthstone Usage

Using your hearthstone as much as possible will be a huge advantage while leveling to reduce travel time. A general rule of thumb while leveling in Pandaland is to always set your hearth to the nearest innkeeper since you will more than likely be heading back there to turn in quests.

Flight Points

On a similar note, it's a pretty good idea to be picking up any flight points. There are a couple quests which require you to travel back to certain quest hubs.


If you're really going for a realm first, I would highly suggest race-changing to Night Elf for leveling. Night Elves are hands down the best race for leveling due to how useful Shadowmeld is. Shadowmeld has helped me so much in escaping PvP encounters, when I pull too many mobs, when I get close to dying, when I get stuck in combat, when I run through a group of mobs to get to an objective and I need to get them off my trail, there's so many uses!

Potion Usage

I suggest using swiftness potions on cooldown, seriously, chug those pots! Swim speed potions should obviously be used for underwater quests. Primary stat potions should be used for any rare mobs you encounter or any quest mobs that have a large health pool. Use invisibility potions wisely to escape encountering mobs. Remind yourself to re-apply flasks, kings, and fort every hour or whenever you die!

Beta experience

Overall, beta experience trumps all. GC has stated that they plan to keep beta servers up until launch so there's still enough time for a run or two through Pandaland. Having that experience helps so much in knowing what you need to do for every quest, memorizing quest objectives, knowing quest routes, etc.


Entering Pandaland
The first quest will be a zone-wide discovered quest in Stormwind which leads you to the SW Keep. As soon as you take a step into the keep, a cinematic will play (which can be cancelled), then you'll have to talk to a Night Elf that's right in front of the keep. He'll lead you to a boat which is floating above the Docks and the NPC you talk to there will take you into Pandaland.

Zone progression
1. Jade Forest (85-86)
2. Valley of the Four Winds [East half] (86-87)
3. Krarasang Winds (86-87)
4. Valley of the Four Winds [West half] (87-88)
5. Kunlai Summit (87-88)
6. Townlong Steppes (88-89)
7. Dread Wastes (89-90)

Jade Forest

- For those of you that chose the second method for daily quests, once you've killed the Jade Witch (, equip your Baradin's Hold Tabard, teleport there, turn in your 19 daily quests, and hearth back to Heart's Blossom to turn in your other quests.
- The vehicle quests in Pearlfin Village benefit from water-walking and speed buffs, use that to your advantage.
- Your hearth stone should be set to Heart's Blossom as soon as you get there. Once you finish the Tian Monastery questline, you should use it to finish the final quests down south.
- Beware of Horde once you reach the northern part of the map.
- The Nectarbreeze Orchard questline (south-west of map) is optional.
- The Spirte's Plight questline to the east of Tian Monastery is optional.

Valley of the Four Winds [East half]

- All zones from here on out will be shared with Horde.
- Set your hearth to Thunderfoot Acres.
- Pick up the Grassy Cline flightpoint.
- For the Turnip, Watermelon, and Spice quest, remember that:
Turnip: Average
Watermelon: Soft
Spice: Hard
- There is an optional questline in the west section of Halfhill where a farmer has you clean up his farm (Farmer Yoon)
This questline is extremely short and should be done for the easy experience. Once you've reached the Scallions quest, skip it as it will take a daily reset to complete it.
- There are two drop quests within the zone. The first is from a turtle in Pools of Purity (Krosh) and the other is a from a crocodile to the west of Pools of Purity in Gilded Fan, near the birds (Manglemaw).
- You should leave to Krasarang Winds after completing the questline in The Imperial Granary. You should have two quests remaining in Valley at that point, one to meet Chen at Stormstout brewery and another in Stoneplow.

Krasarang Winds

- Krasarang is pretty linear and straight forward.
- Once you finish the final quest in Krasarang, go west of Sentinel Basecamp and enter Valley of the Four Winds.

Valley of the Four Winds [West half]

- Once you've reached the west side of Valley of the Four winds, go towards Nesingwary's Safari and complete his questline. Note: this is optional
- Skip the [Cleaning House] quest at Stormstout Brewery, it takes far too long without a group.
- Skip the [Students No More] quest at Stoneplow, it takes far too long. Instead, hearth to Thunderfoot Acres, fly to [Grassy Cline], and go towards Kunlai Summit.

Kun Lai Summit

- There is a drop quest at Lao & Son's Yakwash.
- Skip the [Temple of the White Tiger] questline, it takes far too long and should be done at level 90 as it leads you to Vale of Eternal Blossoms.
- Set your hearth to the One Keg innkeeper and use it once you finished the quests in the cave.
- Skip The Burlap Grind quest.
- Buy your Grand Expedition Yak at The Grummle Bazaar.

Townlong Steppes

- Once you finished Townlong Steppes and picked up the quest to head to Dread Wastes, head back to the tree bridge and enter Dread Wastes. Pickup the flightpoint at [The Sunset Brewgarden] and go towards the Great Wall. Near the NPC, you'll see a small rope on the ground, against the wall which will take you to the NPC.

Dread Wastes

- Once you've unlocked the correct NPC, use the double jump and stacking speed boost buff.
- Complete daily quests when reasonable. I.e. they're near other quest objectives.

85-90 ETA?

Unfortunately, I maxed out on my beta character copies before they started adjusting experience values and adding more quests/fixing questlines so I'm not 100% sure what my time for 85-90 would be. From the numerous run throughs I did on my premade, I averaged around 10 to 12 hours per character. This was without any consumable usage, without the best possible gear, with numerous mistakes, without the guild perk bonuses, without using standards, etc. you get the point. So what does this mean? Maybe 7-10 hours? We'll find out soon

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Join date : 2012-08-03

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Di di Mao 90 Empty Re: Di di Mao 90

Post  Fitsi Wed Sep 19, 2012 9:07 pm

Great info, thanks for the post.

This is like 3 steps further into crazy then I was planning to go. If we make 90 in 20 hours I'll be super impressed. 30 hours seems more reasonable over 3 days.

I freaking cannot wait :D

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Di di Mao 90 Empty Re: Di di Mao 90

Post  Brewjin Thu Sep 20, 2012 3:38 pm

Very good guide. If u have a group of ppl tho I'd do dungeons till 87 then hit up quest hubs if not going for server 1st

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Di di Mao 90 Empty Re: Di di Mao 90

Post  Fitsi Thu Sep 20, 2012 5:19 pm

That is the exact plan. 5 man grind to 87. With a tank and two dps pops should be instant - we hope.


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Di di Mao 90 Empty Re: Di di Mao 90

Post  Slimegullet Thu Sep 20, 2012 8:41 pm

Cromulence wrote:That is the exact plan. 5 man grind to 87. With a tank and two dps pops should be instant - we hope.

crom is going to be insane. i get to witness it first hand... which is always fun for me : )

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Di di Mao 90 Empty Re: Di di Mao 90

Post  Myth/Oli/Phil Thu Sep 20, 2012 11:18 pm

You think thats bad!!!

I get to witness it... uhh 2nd hand!

Knowing the whole time I can simply turn off my computer walk away and enjoy the wonder of outdoors and autumn and watch the leaves changing colors right before my amazed eyes.

Knowing that by not doing so I am in effect choosing torture. And no ring on my finger compels me, no sex, no free dinners... sigh


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Di di Mao 90 Empty Re: Di di Mao 90

Post  Sleepish Fri Sep 21, 2012 12:16 am

Myth/Oli/Phil wrote:You think thats bad!!!

I get to witness it... uhh 2nd hand!

Knowing the whole time I can simply turn off my computer walk away and enjoy the wonder of outdoors and autumn and watch the leaves changing colors right before my amazed eyes.

Knowing that by not doing so I am in effect choosing torture. And no ring on my finger compels me, no sex, no free dinners... sigh


It's called friendship. Ain't it grand??

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Di di Mao 90 Empty Re: Di di Mao 90

Post  Fitsi Fri Sep 21, 2012 1:14 am

Uh, guys... I'm still here.

So awkward.

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Di di Mao 90 Empty Re: Di di Mao 90

Post  Myth/Oli/Phil Fri Sep 21, 2012 1:28 am

Did you hear something? meh musta been the wind.

where was I? oh right

FRIENDSHIP!! Bah Humbug!

Wheres my rainbow!? Wheres my happy ending!? (not that kind of happy ending you perv)

And my only solace in all of this? That at least while I endure this unimaginable iron maiden/rack of human misery, I get to watch you suffer these unholy unspeakable terrors right along side me.


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Di di Mao 90 Empty Re: Di di Mao 90

Post  Slimegullet Fri Sep 21, 2012 1:54 am

Myth/Oli/Phil wrote:Did you hear something? meh musta been the wind.

where was I? oh right

FRIENDSHIP!! Bah Humbug!

Wheres my rainbow!? Wheres my happy ending!? (not that kind of happy ending you perv)

And my only solace in all of this? That at least while I endure this unimaginable iron maiden/rack of human misery, I get to watch you suffer these unholy unspeakable terrors right along side me.


touching. speaking of , that little scamp should be home any time so better hush up nah.

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